Erectile dysfunction is a most common issue of sexual life but before any treatment it is important to know the erectile dysfunction symptoms. ED can affect physical health as well as emotional health but we can overcome erectile dysfunction by knowing the symptoms. In this blog we will try to detail discussion on symptoms and find out the best possible solution.
1.Disability to Maintain an Erection:
It is the most common issue in erectile dysfunction related to men that they have problems maintaining an erection during sexual intimacy. It is the most irritating situation for the men that degrade their emotional value and weaken their marital relationship.
2.Problem to Achieve an Erection:
It is a common issue which is seen in men. They have difficulty achieving an erection during the intercourse. If it is occasionally then it is normal but continuity of this issue is counted as one of the common erectile dysfunction symptoms.
3.Reduce Sexual Desire:
Erectile dysfunction (ED) symptoms have one common issue of reducing sexual desire. It is also called low libido and the cause is low testosterone levels but it is also depending on the psychological factors like stress, anxiety, depression, or any other mental issue.
4.Premature Ejaculation:
Erectile dysfunction (ED) symptoms have another issue that is premature ejaculation. In this issue sooner ejaculation is happening then desire that may impact on sexual performance and sexual satisfaction.
5.Erections Not Stable:
It is one of the symptoms of erectile dysfunction (ED) symptoms. It is usually happening in aged men and they observe that erection is not as firm as before. So it is clear that if erection is weaker or softer and difficult to involve in sexual intimacy then it is an open sign of erectile dysfunction.
6.Morning Erections Become Less Frequent:
If someone experiences unplanned erections during sleep, it is known as “morning wood.” But if it decreases or loses completely then it is an early sign of erectile dysfunction (ED). It is a natural phenomena when it becomes less or no longer happening, it is one of the erectile dysfunction symptoms.
7.Problems with Orgasm:
Erectile dysfunction has an issue to getting orgasm or prolonged orgasm in men is one of the erectile dysfunction symptoms. Because the sexual function is a whole process that includes the ability of erection also along this for complete process of sexual pleasure.
8.Painful Erection:
If someone experienced any pain or discomfort during the intercourse, it is one of the erectile dysfunction symptoms. It seems rare as compared to other symptoms of ED and need consultancy.
9.Psychological Symptoms:
Any sexual issue may create psychological impact on men that may cause embarrassment, frustration, or guilt. These all signs may damage the psychology of any person and may cause stress, depression, or anxiety and it is an open sign of erectile dysfunction symptoms.
10. Impact on self-Esteem and confidence:
Erectile dysfunction directly or indirectly may create an impact on self-esteem or confidence level. If someone experiences any problem in sexual activity or sexual performance it may affect the relationship that may damage the confidence level.
What are the causes of Erectile Dysfunction (ED)?
There are many causes of erectile dysfunction that may be seen in the erectile dysfunction symptoms.
It may happen due to over aged or above the age of 50.
- The high sugar level may cause erectile dysfunction.
- The high blood pressure level may cause erectile dysfunction.
- Cardiovascular disease may cause erectile dysfunction.
- High cholesterol levels may cause erectile dysfunction.
- Habit of smoking too much may cause erectile dysfunction.
- The addiction of drugs may cause erectile dysfunction.
- Too much drinking of alcohol may cause erectile dysfunction.
- Some medical conditions may cause erectile dysfunction.
- Some mental issues may cause erectile dysfunction.
- Some emotional issues like stress, depression, or anxiety may cause erectile dysfunction.
How Can Target the Erectile Dysfunction Symptoms?
There are multiple ways to approach the option for treating the erectile dysfunction and some of them we will discuss as under:
Lifestyle Changes:
The positive changes in daily life may treat the issue of erectile dysfunction. The addition of a healthy diet, daily exercise, weight management, quit smoking and alcohol, and stress management can treat erectile dysfunction but it is depending on the condition and severity of issue.
Oral Medications:
There are multiple medicines available for the treatment of erectile dysfunction that may help the blood circulation and other concerns related to erection. These medicines may work temporarily or slowly but it is depending on the condition of the patient and a good consultant can advise best medicine.
Hormone Therapy:
There is also hormone therapy that may help to counter the concern of erectile dysfunction. There are testosterone therapy or other hormonal treatments that may help to restore the testosterone levels, enhance libido, and improve overall sexual performance.
Psychological Counseling:
Sometimes erectile dysfunction may be occurring due to psychological and may create stress, depression, or anxiety that may be controlled by counseling or other therapies.
Penile Injections:
Some patients need injectable medicines that are injected into the penis and counter erectile dysfunction. It helps to increase the blood circulation to the penis and promote an erection.
Surgical Treatments:
In some cases, the issue of erectile dysfunction needs surgical treatments like penile implants and vascular surgery.
Concluded Thoughts:
There are many erectile dysfunction symptoms that may appear individually or more than one. It may be because of growing age, bad habits, or any other medical issue but it can be treated well to follow the proper instructions recommended by the consultant. Erectile dysfunction may impact on sexual performance, relationship, or overall personality. There is a need to understand the reason and possible solution. With the help of proper guidelines and on time observation of erectile dysfunction symptoms may help to overcome this problem and help to provide a happy sexual life with strong relationships.