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P Shot Benefits

P shot (Priapus Shot) is a clinical treatment performed by a doctor to inject platelet-rich plasma (PRP) which is obtained from the blood of the patient into the affected part of the penis. Medical researchers are on a mission to find out the limitless P Shot benefits or even uncovering its associated drawbacks.

Research indicates that the significant levels of growth factors present in highly concentrated PRP, like that obtained through MENZ Shot, may help not just enhance the body’s own natural healing reaction but also increase blood flow to the area to improve erectile function along with engender new blood vessels.

In some patients clinical studies have demonstrated enhanced erectile quality, sensation, and penile girth, with typically a 12-18 month duration of effect which is something else in favor of the P Shot.

This begins with pulling blood from the patient, which is then spun in a centrifuge to isolate the platelet-rich plasma. After applying a local anesthetic with the consent of the patient, the prepared PRP is then delivered via fine needles into affected locations of the penis.

While typically considered safe since each procedure uses the patient’s own blood products, documented risks include transient bruising, swelling and low-grade pain at injection sites. On the rare chance patients can experience infection, numbness that could last for days to months, or need for correction to uneven results.


What are the P Shot Benefits for Men

Numerous p shot benefits have the potential to enhance as well as improve sexual health and performance of men . The process enables better blood flow to the penis, further improving erectile function and sexual activity in the days leading up, potentially making the area more sensitive, leading to better overall sexual performance and desired pleasure.

The benefits of P Shot are mentioned below.

Blood Flow Enhancement

P shot benefits may involve increased blood flow to the affected area. The increase in blood flow may help repair and revitalization of the targeted tissue.

Firmness Improvement

You’ll also enjoy improved firmness as one of the p shot benefits. PRP contains plenty of growth factors that aid in collagen stimulation. It can affect the tightness of tissue, and maybe give a more youthful appearance.

Sensation Boost

Thus, this increased tissue permeability will allow the nerve within this area to be more sensitive. PRP application acts as a growth factor, thereby improving tactile perception and other sensory modalities in that area.

Natural Growth Stimulation

In Natural Growth Stimulation  treatment, PRP focuses on the healing buddies of your body to restore tissue mineralization and balance to prevent premature cell aging.

Quick Recovery

Since it is one of the minimal invasive processes, this is one of the revolutionary P shot benefits you get! This can mean a shorter recovery time than other, more invasive treatments, and if conducted well, a faster recovery to your normal activity.

Long-Lasting Results

Individual results of the P shot will differ from person to person, but in general, PRP treatments can offer more long-lasting solutions than some other therapeutic or cosmetic procedures.

Safety Assurance

Since PRP draws on blood taken from the patient, the chances of an allergic reaction or rejection are very rare. The autologous aspect of PRP also greatly contributes to its safety profile, and also, being a native component may be part of the reason why it is one of the treatment modalities of choice amongst patients, as synthetic therapies may appear frightening.

The Risks of P Shot Therapy

Though it is a relatively safe treatment, many doctors notice a lot of p shot benefits for this therapy still it is having risks and side effects. Hence, limb swelling, bruising, or mild pain at the location of the injection are the most frequent short-term side effects.

These symptoms are normally short-lived, ranging from several hours to several days. Less frequently, patients may have more severe reactions, such as dizziness, fainting, or transient variations in blood pressure. P shot therapy has little long-term adverse effects.

The tiny scarring, hardened scar tissue, and lumps have all been reported. You could trigger cold sores if your patient has a background of herpes simplex virus. In addition, while highly rare, there is a danger of infection at the site of injection if poor sterile technique is employed.

The efficacy of this sexual health therapy is entirely linked to the provider’s level of dedication who is performing the therapy and the client’s purpose. Some people are dissatisfied, possibly owing to poor distribution of the injected materials, as the body absorbs the substances provided.

Very rare cases of potential difficulties were detected, such as priapism, which can make the therapy an emergency medical treatment. As with any medical treatment, persons thinking of P shot therapy should first explore the pros and cons of effective, licensed medical experts at the individual level.


FAQs — Frequently Asked Question

Does the P shot actually make you bigger?

The P shot does expose the member to growth through enhanced blood flow and tissue regeneration, so there could be some marginal size increase as a side effect. 10-20% of the men experience length and girth increase.

How long do P shot results last

Results last generally from 12 to 18 months, and they improve erectile function and sexual capacity during that period.

How effective is the P shot?

Success rates for the P shot are high for improved sexual function, and the P shot is performed using FDA-approved techniques and equipment.

Is the P shot painful?

Although patients will feel some discomfort (like a pinch or pressure) during the procedure, it is generally painless. Any tenderness after the procedure generally goes away quickly.


The P shot positively impacts on all aspects of erectile capacity and sexual performance. Using platelets and plasma-rich growth factors extracted from the same patient’s blood that encourages tissue regeneration and improves blood supply for tougher erections and greater sexual satisfaction, this non-invasive treatment is a breakthrough in male sexual health.

They also say they enjoy slight improvements in both penis girth and length too, so if you’re looking for a non-invasive solution, this is a winner. In addition to a size that is bigger and thicker after the procedure most men have noticed an increase in sensitivity and longer lasting erections,

The P shot does come with its own set of risks that shouldn’t be ignored, however. Possible side effects may be minor bruising, tenderness or swelling at the site of the injection. Infection, scarring and allergic reactions happen, but — rarely.

Those with specific health conditions, especially people taking blood thinners, should consult a health care provider about whether the treatment is right for them. All of this sounds kind of sketchy, but the P shot is also a pretty safe party when you’re with professionals trained in the protocol.

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